In recent years, efforts to create a data-driven society based on the Society 5.0, in which all people and things are connected by IOT and new values are being created, are taking place in many different fields. In this lecture, we will discuss tsunami height prediction as a familiar topic. Through this topic, we hope you will learn how the integration of data science with advanced instrumentation and large-scale simulations will make it possible to realize a data-driven society.
Data ScienceIntroduction:Immediate prediction of tsunami height in a data-driven society

- Yasuhiko Igarashi Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
- Dr. in Science, The University of Tokyo. I graduated from the Department of Mathematical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 2009, and completed the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo in 2014. I was a Project Researcher at the University of Tokyo, a Postdoctoral Fellow at NIMS, a Full-time Researcher at JST PRESTO, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo before taking my current position. My field of expertise is data-driven science using sparse modeling. My areas of expertise are data-driven science using sparse modeling, materials informatics, and measurement informatics.