The artificial radioactivity data in the ocean, air, and soil were collected from around the world and a set of database was created. I estimated the total amount of 137Cs deposition in the Northern Hemisphere and distribution of 137Cs deposition by analyzing the collected data. The total amount of cesium-137 in the Northern Hemisphere was 765+-79 PBq and this was 40% higher than in previous reported 545 PBq by United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Spatial distribution of 137Cs deposition was also presented.
The ocean part of the constructed database was provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency's database of artificial radioactivity in the marine environment and contributed to the construction of a global scale database together with other sources. The Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics at the University of Tsukuba now manages a database site to publish environmental radioactivity data related to the Fukushima accident with a DOI, and also provide a search site to retrieve radioactivity data which already published outside of the site at Univ. of Tsukuba.
Data ScienceIntroduction:Global Caesium-137 Database and Retrieval and Disclosure website of Environmental Radioactivity Data

- Michio Aoyama Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
University degrees:
1977 Meteorological College
1999 Kanazawa Univ. degree in Doctor of Science
Present post:
Visiting Professor (since April 2019- )
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
Univ. of Tsukuba
Invited senior Scientist (since April 2014- )
Research Institute of Global Change
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Previous posts:
April 1984 - March 1989: Scientist, Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute
April 1989- September 1993: Senior Technical Officer, Nagasaki Marine Observatory
October 1993- March 1996: Senior Scientist, Ocean Research Department, The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
April 1996- January 2014: Senior Scientist, Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute
February 2014- March 2019: Professor, Institute of Environment Radioactivity, Fukushima Univ.
Other major international projects:
WOCE WHP PC committee member 1995-2000
Co-Chair of Joint IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS), 2010, 2011
Co-Chair of SCOR WG#147 Towards comparability of global oceanic nutrient data (COMPONUT) 2015-2019
Published 154 peer reviewed research papers in international journals and 14 books.
Author and co-authors of 14 international reports and 6 data books.