In this lecture, we will discuss a collaborative project among the University of Tsukuba, Intel Corporation, and Tsukuba City Hall that established a social networking service (SNS) community (Facebook community: Tsukuba Civic Activities Cyber-Square) aiming to strengthen cooperation between a local government and civil society. The project faced a problem of periodically observing a decline in Facebook community activity, and we will introduce the data science research methods that were used to analyze and clarify the problem.
Data ScienceIntroduction:Use of data science in the analysis of social networking applications

- Muneo Kaigo Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Muneo Kaigo is Professor of Communication and Media in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Teaching in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Comparative Culture at the University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. Currently 1) the Chair for the Master’s and Doctoral Program of International and Advanced Japanese Studies in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2) Director for the Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences, and 3) Director for the University of Tsukuba office in Bordeaux, France. The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, country representative for Japan.